Saturday, February 6, 2010

Submit! Redheaded Stepchild

Via NewPages:
The Redheaded Stepchild only accepts poems that have been rejected by other magazines.

We publish biannually, and we accept submissions in the months of August and February only. We do not accept previously published work. We do, however, accept simultaneous submissions, but please inform us immediately if your work is accepted somewhere else. We are open to a wide variety of poetry and hold no allegiance to any particular style or school. If your poem is currently displayed online on your blog or website or wherever, please do not send it to us before taking it down, at least temporarily.

For more information, click here.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Poetry Reading: Chang and Genoways

Tomorrow, Wednesday February 3 at & PM at UCI: Victoria Chang and Ted Genoways.

Here's a poem by Victoria Chang, after this Edward Hopper painting.

Edward Hopper Study: Hotel Room
by Victoria Chang

While the man is away
telling his wife
about the red-corseted woman,
the woman waits
on the queen-sized bed.
You'd expect her quiet
in the fist of a copper
statue. Half her face,
a shade of golden meringue,
the other half, the dark
of cattails. Her mouth even—
too straight, as if she doubted
her made decision, the way
women do. In her hands,
a yellow letter creased,
like her hunched back.
Her dress limp on a green chair.
In front, a man's satchel
and briefcase. On a dresser,
a hat with a ceylon
feather. That is all
the artist left us with,
knowing we would turn
the woman's stone into ours,
a thirst for the self
in everything—even
in the sweet chinks
of mandarin.

(Source: Poetry (September 2004).

Victoria Chang is the author of two books: her first,Circle which won the Crab Orchard Review Award Series in Poetry and the Association of American Studies Book Award and her second, Salvinia Molesta. She is the editor of the anthology, Asian America Poetry: the Net Generation. Her work has appeared in The Paris Review, The Virginia Quarterly Review, Slate, Ploughshares, and The Nation. She lives in Irvine.

Ted Genoways is the editor of The Virginia Quarterly Review and author of Bullroarer. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Samuel French Morse Poetry Prize, the Natalie Ornish Poetry Award, and the Nebraska Book Award. He is the editor of several books, including The Collected Writings of Walt Whitman: The Correspondence, Volume VII .

You can find these two poets in Humanities Gateway 1010 at UCI on Wednesday February 3 at 7:00 p.m. Free. Go.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Submit! CRATE: UC Riverside

This just in from UC Riverside:

The time has come for another annual edition of CRATE, the literary magazine of the University of California, Riverside’s Creative Writing MFA programs.

With this in mind, we would like to take the opportunity to reach out to the writing community, published or unpublished, aspiring or veteran, and request submissions for the upcoming issue. We are seeking works of fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and artwork.

The deadline for submissions is February 15th, right after Valentine’s Day.

Though the current issue is not based around a theme or a subject, we are hoping to put forward works that are not only evocative and innovative, but ambitious. Mixed media is welcome, as are experimental forms, as long as the choices of style and method serve the piece. Novel excerpts must be self-contained.
Simultaneous submissions are welcome, but please withdraw if accepted elsewhere. Please do not send multiple submissions in a single genre.

Please include a short bio and an email address for contact purposes and send up to 7500 words of fiction or creative nonfiction, up to five poems (in a single attachment, one per page), and/or up to five images (as .jpegs) to:

For more information, click here.
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