Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Submit! The LBJ

The LBJ, self-described as "a uniquely literary venue, publishing creative nonfiction, fiction, poetry, narrative scholarship, and literary journalism of the feathered variety," is a bi-annual published by the University of Nevada at Reno.

They've just announced an extension of their URB contest. New deadline: March 2, 2009.

So what are you waiting for?

From their website:

Deadline for 2009 Urb Bird Contest extended to March 2, 2009.

(URB = urban or suburban)

In the spring of 2009, The LBJ will publish a special cluster of work focused on the urb bird. The journal is now accepting submissions in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction that explore the ever-changing place of birds in urban and suburban environments. Crows, catbirds, and Canada geese. Pigeons, wild parrots, Pale Male, and passing migrants. How do we interact with these kinds of birds in urb settings, how do they deal with each other, and importantly, what’s to be learned?

The reading period is open until March 2, 2009 (postmark date).

One first prize winner will receive $500 and publication in The LBJ’s 2009 Urb Bird Issue, and one second place winner, $300 and publication.

The contest entry fee is $10 per manuscript (20 pages of double-spaced, single-side prose, or up to 5 poems), which includes one caw-py of the special issue. All entries will be considered for publication.

Submissions must be accompanied by a cover letter, including contact information. Please, no identification on the entry itself. Materials should be sent with an SASE and a check made payable to “Board of Regents,” memo, “The LBJ/Urb Bird Contest,” to:

The LBJ/Urb Bird Contest
Department of English/098
University of Nevada, Reno
Reno, NV 89557

Why The LBJ?

"LBJ is jargon used by birders--especially beginning birders--for those difficult-to-identify brown things, aka "little brown jobs." Think sparrows and finches. Think high up in shadowy trees or flitting about through tall grass."

Recent contributors include Colette LaBouff Atkinson and Stephen Cooper.

For more information, click here.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for introducing your readers to the curious and wonderful journal!

Rebel Girl said...

I thought of YOU Lou while I was typing up this post. They're looking for artwork as well.

I think I may devise a writing exercsie that features birds for my students...

Anonymous said...

Show them Atwood's vultures so they see the beauty of appreciating the birdness of birds.

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