Monday, June 27, 2011

Submit! Fairy Tale Review: Lost Girls and Boys

We are currently accepting submissions for the eighth annual issue of Fairy Tale Review, The Grey Issue, to be Guest Edited by Alissa Nutting. This is a themed issue, dedicated to Lost Girls & Boys.

We’re interested in writing that visits and turns on tropes of children and young adults, girls and boys, becoming lost (whether figuratively or literally) in fairy tales and in the contemporary literature that reinterprets or is informed by fairy tales. This includes characters who are separated from parents, who are stuck inside an animal’s stomach, who are faced with bewildering choices, who are running away to or from who-knows-where, who are confused in the forest—lost in any sense, and in any form of writing. Please send poetry, fiction, essays, drama, creative nonfiction, comics, illustration, etc.

For more info, click here.


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