Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Sunday Review: "A Supermarket in Arizona"

In his second weekly OC Bookly column, at the OC Weekly, Andrew Tonkovich posts a wide-ranging review of Chapman professor Tom Zoellner's new book A Safeway in Arizona: What the Gabrielle Giffords Shooting Tells us about the Grand Canyon State and Life in America.


What famous American asked: "What is government if words have no meaning?"

​Multiple choice: a) Warren Zevon b) Situationist philosopher Guy Debord c) Newt Gingrich d) Stephane Hessel e) Jared Lee Loughner.

Okay, only three are even Americans. And if you chose everything but "e" you're forgiven. But as journalist Tom Zoellner, lately teaching at Chapman University points on in his newest book, A Safeway in Arizona: What the Gabrielle Giffords Shooting Tells us about the Grand Canyon State and Life in America, the mentally ill Arizona assassin himself offered this actual interrogative at, yes, a public forum years before he arrived at the now-iconic supermarket parking lot to shoot Giffords in the brain with his Glock 19.

To read the rest, click here.


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