Just saw this from Mississippi Review .com - the deadline is coming up fast.
from their website:
Ekphrasis—employing one art to describe another art.
Literary ekphrasis has been around since Homer suspended the action in The Iliad long enough to exhaustively describe the shield of Achilles. The figures on Keats’s Grecian urn, the twisted countenance of Oscar Wilde’s Dorian Gray, and Dorothea Brooke’s tour of the Vatican galleries all come to us through ekphrastic expression.
We are seeking ekphrastic poems, stories and personal essays that take a moment, or even several pages, to depict, contemplate, and speculate upon visual works of art.
Please submit by e-mail only to issue editor Jane Armstrong at jarmstrong@mississippireview.com
Send up to three poems, ten pages max or prose up to 4000 words. Attach the work in Word or RTF format.
Deadline: September 15, 2008
Click here for more information.
(image: Robert Motherwell's Elegy for the Spanish Republic No. 110)
I know -- how great does that sound? It'll be an issue, I'd like to read.
I know, I just LOVED the concept.
Thanks for visiting - please return!
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